Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1989.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1987.
Pasquale Cinnella received his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1989 and joined the Aerospace Engineering faculty in 1990.
Teaching Areas
Physical Gas Dynamics
Compressible Aerodynamics
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Taught Courses
Undergraduate Courses
ASE 3333 Aerothermodynamics
ASE 4343 Compressible Aerody
EM 2413 Engineering Mechanics I
EM 2433 Engineering Mechanics II
EM 3313 Fluid Mechanics
Graduate Courses
ASE 8363 Comp Heat Transfer
ASE 8423 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
ASE 8323 Advanced Compressible Aerodynamics II
Research Areas
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Hypersonic Gas Dynamics
Combustion Simulations
Funding Agencies
Waterways Experiment Station
Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
NASA Stennis
National Science Foundation
Lockheed-Martin, Denver, CO
NASA Marshall
US Air Force
US Army Space and Missile Command
Cinnella, P., and Cox, C. F., "Modern Computational Techniques for 3D Hypersonic Flows," in Molecular Physics and Hypersonic Flows, Ed. M. Capitelli, pp. 543-560, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1996.
Cinnella, P., and Cox, C. F., "Computational Reacting Flow," in The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook, Ed. A. B. Tucker, Jr., pp. 892-911, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996.
Carino, R. L., Cox, C. F., Zhu, J., and Cinnella, P., "On Building a Parallel Version of a 'Real Gas' Flow Solver," in Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace, Ed. S. Sivasundaram, Vol. 11, pp. 195-208, Gordon and Breach, The Netherlands, 2000.
Select Journal Publications
Wu, J., Tang, L., Luke, E.A., Tong, X.-L., and Cinnella, P., "Comprehensive Numerical Study of Jet-Flow Impingement over Flat Plates," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 357-366, 2002.
Liu, Q.Y., Luke, E.A., and Cinnella, P., "Coupling Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Solvers for Multidisciplinary Simulations," Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 417-427, 2005.
Luke, E.A., and Cinnella, P., "Numerical simulations of mixtures of fluids using upwind algorithms," Computers and Fluids, Vol. 36, pp. 1547-1566, 2007.
Select Conference Proceedings
Cinnella, P. and Gaiaschi, P., "Enhanced Models for Mixtures of Fluids in Chemical Equilibrium at High Pressures," Paper No. 2007-4160, 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2007.
Cinnella, P., Bridges, D.H., and Vizzini, A.J., "Designing a Self-Assessment Process for ABET Accreditation," Paper No. 2007-0300, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2007.
Cinnella, P., and Gaiaschi, P., “Simulations of Mixtures of Fluids in Chemical Equilibrium at High Pressures” Paper No. 2009-4037, 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2009.
Ballard, J.R., Cinnella, P., and Howington, S.E., “A Heat and Fluid Transport Simulation of a Soil-Root-Stem System,” Paper No. 2009-4042, 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2009.
Ballard, J. R., Howington, S.E., Cinnella, P., and Smith, J. A., “Simulated Seasonal Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Soil Moisture, Temperature, and Net Radiation in a Deciduous Forest,” IGARSS 2011 Conference, Vancouver CA, 2011.
Honors and Awards
Hearing Distinguished Professor, MSU, 1999/2000
Research Unit Award for Outstanding Contribution in Research, Medallion Certificate-Southeastern Section ASEE, 1996
Outstanding Research Paper in the College of Engineering, Mississippi State University, 1995
Outstanding Research Paper in the College of Engineering, Mississippi State University, 1993
Professional Memberships
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Associate Fellow