Chuangchuang Sun, Ph.D.

Chuangchuang Sun

Assistant Professor

Office: 319C Walker Engineering Building
Personal Home Page

Dr. Sun received his Ph.D. in 2018 from The Ohio State University in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He received his B.S. from Beihang University in China.


  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2018.
  • B.S., Beihang University, China, 2013.

Research Areas

  • Decision making under uncertainty
  • Robust and safe autonomy
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Numerical optimization
  • Multi-agent system

Select Journal Publications

  • Sun, Chuangchuang, Nathaniel Kingry, Ran Dai "A Unified Formulation and Nonconvex Optimization Method for Mixed-Type Decision-Making of Robotic Systems." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37, no. 3 (2020): 831-84, DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2020.3036619.
  • Sun, Chuangchuang, Shirantha Welikala, and Christos G. Cassandras. "Optimal composition of heterogeneous multi-agent teams for coverage problems with performance bound guarantees." Automatica 117 (2020): 108961.
  • Sun, Chuangchuang, and Ran Dai. "An Iterative Rank Penalty Method for Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs." SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57.6 (2019): 3749-3766.
  • Sun, Chuangchuang, Ran Dai and Mehran Mesbahi. "Weighted Network Design with Cardinality Constraints via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers." IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2018.
  • Sun, Chuangchuang, and Ran Dai. "Rank-constrained optimization and its applications." Automatica 82 (2017): 128-136.
  • Sun, Chuangchuang, Yen-chen Liu and Ran Dai. "Two Approaches for Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Avoidance Zones." Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (2017) 1:8.
  • Ran Dai and Chuangchuang Sun, “Path Planning of Spatial Rigid Motion with Constrained Attitude”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2015, pp. 1356-1365.
  • Wang, Dangxiao, Jing Guo, Chuangchuang Sun, Mu Xu, and Yuru Zhang. "A Flexible Concept for Designing Multiaxis Force/Torque Sensors Using Force Closure Theorem." Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on, 62, no. 7 (2013): 1951-1959.
  • Du, Jianbin, and Chuangchuang Sun. "Reliability-based vibro-acoustic microstructural topology optimization." Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55.4 (2017): 1195-1215.
  • Wang, Xiaohui, Changhuang Wan, Chuangchuang Sun, Renwei Xia. "An optimization algorithm for multi-objective optimization problem by using envelope-dual method." Procedia Engineering 67 (2013): 457-466.

Professional Memberships

  • IEEE
  • AIAA