Approved Aerospace / Technical Electives

EM 4123Introduction to the Finite Elements MethodConsent of Instructor
EM 4133 Mechanics of Composite MaterialsEM 3213, MA 3253
EM 4143Engineering Design OptimizationConsent of Instructor, same as ASE 4553
CSE 4693/6693Intro to Machine Learning
ME 4193/6193Automotive Engineering

Any 4000/6000-level ASE or EM courses (see exception at the bottom of the page)

ASE 4133Automatic ControlASE 4123
ASE 4153Advance PerformanceASE 2013
ASE 4163Introduction to Flight Test EngineeringASE 3313, ASE 4123
ASE 4223Structural DynamicsEM 3413
ASE 4353Combustion Theory and ModelingGrade of C or better in ASE 3333,
CHE 3113, ME 3513 or Instructor Consent
ASE 4423Introduction to Computational Fluid DynamicsConsent of Instructor
ASE 4433Fundamentals of Numerical Grid GenerationConsent of Instructor
ASE 4553Engineering Design OptimizationConsent of Instructor, same as EM 4143
ASE 4713Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
ASE 4813Advanced Orbital MechanicsASE 3813

For students selecting the Aeronautics concentration

ASE 3813Introduction to Orbital MechanicsGrade of C or better in EM 2433, MA 3253, and MA 3113
ASE 3823Spacecraft Attitude DynamicsEM 3413, credit or registration in ASE 3813
ASE 4443Spacecraft PropulsionASE 3333, ASE 4343

For students selecting the Astronautics concentration

ASE 3123Aircraft Attitude DynamicsASE 2113, EM 3413
ASE 3313Incompressible AerodynamicsGrade of C or better in EM 3313
ASE 4413Aircraft PropulsionASE 3333, ASE 4343


Please note that the following course is not acceptable as an Aerospace Elective:
EM 4213 — Advanced Mechanics of Materials
*Aerospace Structural Analysis (ASE 3223) covers most of what is taught here. This course is for non-ASE majors.*