Aeronautics Curriculum (2016 – 2019)

All courses beginning with ASE are only taught in the semester they are listed.
In the beginning of the Junior year, courses differ due to concentration requirements.

Course Description

Freshman Year - Fall Semester

ASE 1013Introduction to Aerospace Engineering3
CH 1211Investigations in Chemistry1
CH 1213Chemistry I3
EN 1103English Composition I3
MA 1713Calculus I3
Humanities Elective3
Total Credit Hours16

Freshman Year - Spring Semester

ASE 2013Astronautics, Propulsion, and Structures3
EN 1113English Composition II3
MA 1723Calculus II3
PH 2213Physics I3
Humanities Elective3
Social/Behav. Sci. Elective3
Total Credit Hours18

Sophomore Year - Fall Semester

ASE 2113Aircraft and Spacecraft Performance3
EM 2413Engineering Mechanics I3
MA 2733Calculus III3
MA 3113Introduction to Linear Algebra3
PH 2223Physics II3
Social/Behav. Sci. Elective3
Total Credit Hours18

Sophomore Year - Spring Semester

EM 2433Engineering Mechanics II3
EM 3213Mechanics of Materials3
MA 2743Calculus IV3
MA 3253Differential Equations I3
PH 2233Physics III3
Fine Arts Elective3
Total Credit Hours18

Junior Year - Fall Semester

ASE 3233Aerospace Structural Analysis I3
ASE 3333Aerothermodynamics3
ECE 3413Intro to Electronic Circuits3
EM 3313Fluid Mechanics3
EM 3413Vibrations (Fall Only)3
Total Credit Hours15

Junior Year - Spring Semester

ASE 3123Aircraft Attitude Dynamics3
ASE 3243Aerospace Structural Analysis II3
ASE 3313Incompress Aerodynam3
GE 3513Technical Writing3
Math/Science Elective3
Total Credit Hours15

Senior Year - Fall Semester

ASE 4113Aerospace Eng Lab I3
ASE 4123Aerospace Controls3
ASE 4343Compressible Aerody3
ASE 4513Aircraft Design I3
ASE 4623Aerospace Structural Design3
Total Credit Hours15

Senior Year - Spring Semester

ASE 4413Aircraft Propulsion3
ASE 4523Aircraft Design II3
ASE 4721Aerospace Engineering Lab II1
Technical Elective3
Technical Elective3
Total Credit Hours13