Jackob Black: September 13, 2024 at 12:00 P.M. – ASE Grad Seminar Series

September 9, 2024

Title: Multi-Scale Experimental Characterization for LS-DYNA MAT213 Modeling of Composite Structures under High Strain Rate

Location: Walker Engineering 320

MS Teams link: Join the meeting (Meeting ID: 241 192 408 111; Passcode: GbdCrD)

Affiliation: Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University

Abstract: A material model has been developed that enhances the capability to simulate the dynamic response of composite materials and has been implemented into LS-DYNA as MAT213. The model can simulate the nonlinear deformation, damage, and failure in composites.  The specific goal of this work is to characterize the MAT213 input for T700G unidirectional carbon fibers and a low-melt PolyArylEtherKetone (LMPAEK) thermoplastic resin system. The initial part of this work is focused on characterizing the material parameters for the MAT213 deformation model based on results obtained from experimentation. Within MAT213, tabulated stress-strain results are required, and a multi-scale testing method was developed. Macro-scale testing is performed per the typical ASTM methods while micro-scale testing uses a microscope along with smaller coupon sizes to obtain the smaller strains in the transverse direction of each test. Single-element simulations are then executed to validate that the results from the simulation match the input curves. Following this process, coupon-level models for the test sets are created using MAT213. The results from the analytical simulations are compared to the experimental results obtained in this study to validate the model. Ultimately this effort aims to improve the ability to simulate the dynamic response of composite materials.